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Writer's pictureDr. Matt Richard

Ministry Shares and Prayers


I’m not going to lie. I’m ready for fall weather! At the same time, we have to admit that our summer has been comparatively mild. I can’t remember the last time 100-degree-plus days waited until August to arrive!

In addition to slightly cooler temps in September, I’m anticipating all the ministry that will occur under our new committees, teams, and ministry leaders. I’m thankful for the effort of our nominating committee, and all of you who have stepped up to serve. At the end of August, we will celebrate YOU, as volunteers. On September 15, we will PRAY FOR OUR MINISTRIES.

This will be something new that will take place prior to our annual casserole dinner. I’m inviting every teacher/ministry leader to be present as we have a time of “Ministry Shares and Prayers,” before eating and fellowshipping together. In a very brief and simple format, we will: 1. Share how God is at work in each ministry; 2. Share current challenges we are facing in them; 3. PRAY.

We don’t often take the time to do this, and I admit that I am partially to blame. As a pastor, I can too easily get caught up in making sure all the tasks are marked off my list, all the volunteer spots are full, all the activity is running smoothly, etc. But if we do all that apart from inviting God into the process and surrendering our hearts to his Spirit, we not only run the risk of missing out on HIS movement and direction, but of burning out ourselves.

Please make plans to be at this short prayer time, which will be followed by a traditional, Baptist feast of our favorite casseroles!


Pastor Matt


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