Kids 4 Christ

Vision Statement:
Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.'"
It is our job, as the church, to support the family and assist in teaching the children the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At Kids4Christ, we desire for the children to meet Jesus through His teachings, to develop a personal relationship with Him that will sustain them, and to grow and mature in their faith through Bible Study and prayer.
What We Do
On Wednesday nights, our students are divided by age groups. Four year olds thru Kindergarten receive their teaching, crafts and snack all together with Mrs. Parker. We call them our Littles.
Students from 1st thru 3rd are together, both boys and girls. They rotate thru the stations as a class.
Students in grades 4th thru 6th are separated into boys and girls. Children at this age participate and open up better when the other group is not present.
These 3 groups rotate through three stations, Bible Study, Recreation and Crafts. Each station last 20 minutes. We officially begin with opening assembly and roll call at 6:15 and end promptly at 7:30. All students are required to register with essential information and parent contacts.
From the Director
As a teacher and disciple of Jesus, it is my heart's desire to teach the children how much they are loved by God. He loved them so much He sent his only Son to pay for their sins. Once we accept His love, we must learn to imitate Jesus. Children need to know that we can learn this by studying the Bible. Each Wednesday evening, we open our Bibles to reveal what God's word has for us. Children learn when they feel safe and loved.
Contact the Church office at for more information or call 325-247-4803
or email the director at