It was a joy to pray over 140 Operation Christmas Child boxes last Sunday, and celebrate 77 virtual boxes that you all provided this year. Doing so alongside the kiddos in our congre who helped put many of them together was a humbling and poignant experience, for which I am grateful. Thank you for your faithfulness to share the Gospel in this way.
As we begin anticipating Christmas together, I will start a sermon series entitled “The Gift of Christmas.” These will be simple, straight-forward Christmas messages focused on the familiar elements of the story we love to hear every year. I pray they will be a blessing to those who may not be “regulars,” as well as to those of us who seem to be present “every time the doors are open.” Please plan to not only attend, but to invite someone to worship with us as we celebrate “the reason for the season!”
As is the case every year, there are many chances to worship, fellowship, and serve in unique ways that come around this month. Please take note of these special opportunities in this newsletter, and plan accordingly!
Finally, with Christmas also comes a continued emphasis on giving. Our Lottie Moon Christmas offering provides funds directly to missionaries serving with the International Mission Board. We will also to continue to post our year-to-date financial standing in the bulletin. Thank you for how you have, and continue to give to further God’s Kingdom.
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Matt